From Møns Klint to Lofoten
Thursday the 23 of May From Møns Klint to Lofoten with Per Rasmussen “ A journey to the end of Scandinavia”
Thursday the 23 of May From Møns Klint to Lofoten with Per Rasmussen “ A journey to the end of Scandinavia”
Wedensday the 12th of June 20.00 Talkshow Hans Holger Strander Petersen “A Fishermans Life in Klintholm Harbour”
Et liv med Rednings Væsenet i Klintholm Havn ved John Meyer
Cigar and Rum Night “Wine Tasting is so Yesterday” ved Benny Cigar and Jens Christoffersen
Mac- K & Company playing Irish and Scottish Shanties and Folk Songs