From Møns Klint to Lofoten

Thursday the 23 of May From Møns Klint to Lofoten with Per Rasmussen “ A journey to the end of Scandinavia”

Talkshow Hans Holger Strander Petersen

Klap Hesten Klintholm Havneby 24d, Klintholm havn, Denmark

Wedensday the 12th of June 20.00 Talkshow Hans Holger Strander Petersen “A Fishermans Life in Klintholm Harbour”

Et liv med Rednings Væsenet

Klap Hesten Klintholm Havneby 24d, Klintholm havn, Denmark

Et liv med Rednings Væsenet i Klintholm Havn ved John Meyer

Cigar and Rum Night

Klap Hesten Klintholm Havneby 24d, Klintholm havn, Denmark

Cigar and Rum Night “Wine Tasting is so Yesterday” ved Benny Cigar and Jens Christoffersen

Mac- K & Company playing

Klap Hesten Klintholm Havneby 24d, Klintholm havn, Denmark

Mac- K & Company playing Irish and Scottish Shanties and Folk Songs


Klap Hesten Klintholm Havneby 24d, Klintholm havn, Denmark

Vragdykning I Kattegat og Østersøen ved Egon Dykker